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5 Ways To Increase Traffic

Written by
Laith Wallace
Laith Wallace
April 17, 2024
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In 2024, the Google landscape in changing, which means thinking carefully about your strategies to increase traffic to your site. As website traffic is the lifeblood of businesses, It serves as a gateway to potential customers, driving conversions and a great way to increase revenue growth. In this article, we're going to help you navigate this ever-changing landscape, at FlowConverts and well give you a comprehensive strategy for unlocking a 2- 3X website traffic boost in 2024.

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Section 1: Prepare Content for Google SGE to Get More Traffic

Search Generative Experience (SGE) is a new feature that Google is introducing in 2024. It is an AI-powered search that will change the way that people search for information.

SGE will use AI to understand the intent behind a search query. This means that instead of just returning a list of websites that contain the query terms, SGE will return a more personalised and relevant response. This could include a definition, a set of instructions, or even a list of products or services.

The impact of SGE to drive more traffic is still unclear. Insight Partners, predict a drop in search traffic by 15%-25% due to SGE. While search engine land predict a drop between 18-64% from a study of 23 websites, the aggregate organic traffic drop as a result of SGE. Others believe that it could lead to an increase in web traffic, as people will become more likely to visit websites that are ranked highly in SGE.

There are a two key things that businesses can do to prepare for SGE.

  1. First, they can make sure that their websites are optimised for user intent. This means that they should provide clear and concise information that is relevant to the search queries that people are likely to use.
  2. Second, they can focus on building relationships with their customers. This will help them to get their website ranked higher in SGE, as Google will take into account the number of people who are linking to their website.

Overall, SGE is a new and exciting development that could have a significant impact on the way that people search for information. Businesses need to be aware of this change and take steps to prepare for it.

Here are some key takeaways from this section:

  • SGE is a new AI-powered search feature that will change the way that people search for information.
  • SGE could lead to a decrease or increase to drive traffic to your site, but it is too early to say for sure.
  • Businesses can prepare for SGE by optimizing their websites for user intent and building relationships with their customers.

Section 2: Create Content Based On User Focused Search Queries

The concept of user focused search queries is focused on personalisation, particularly in the context of evolving search engine guidelines (like those of Google's SGE), and emphasises the increasing importance of niche, targeted content over broad, generalised information.

Here's a key points to consider when thinking of user focused search:

1. Shift in Search Queries

There's an expected trend towards more detailed, personalized search queries. For example, instead of general queries like “Best kitchen supplier in 2024”, users might start asking specific questions such as “Which kitchen company do you recommend for a family of four who love to invite people over to eat?” You can use SEO tools to like Semrush and ahrefs to help you find the right keywords and generate content ideas for your digital marketing. You can also use free tools like chat gpt and Bard to help generate great keyword ideas and if you use the paid version of chat gpt you can speed up the process.

2. Google Retraining Users:

Google is adapting to these changes, encouraging users to provide more detailed information to get better, more personalised responses. Use Google search console to review your website performance and see what pages are organically getting views .

3. Impact on Web Content Strategy

One of the best ways websites should focus on creating content that answers these specific, niche questions. This approach increases the likelihood of appearing in Google's search responses, particularly in the context of SGE (Search Google Experience), which tends to reference specific and relevant content.

4. Consulting with Sales Teams

To understand the niche questions your audience is asking, it's beneficial to communicate with your sales team. They interact with customers and can provide insights into the specific queries and needs of your target audience. You can use this research to influence the content created in your social media marketing and increase traffic to your website.

5. Diversifying Traffic Sources & Traffic Quality over Quantity

While there might be a drop in overall to generate traffic due to more efficient, targeted search responses, the traffic that does reach your site will likely be more qualified and closer to making a purchase decision.

Relying solely on search engine website traffic without using social media effectively is risky. It’s crucial to diversify traffic sources, perhaps through social media, email marketing, or other channels. On the other hand, backlinks can also drive a substantial amount of referral traffic.

6. Adapting to New Search Trends

While adapting to these trends might seem daunting, the evolution in search behaviour offers opportunities to connect more effectively with a targeted audience, potentially leading to higher conversion rates. Also consider creating a guest post on other peoples websites as it shows you are an authority and active in the community.

In summary, as search engines evolve towards user-focused search, the focus should be on understanding and catering to specific customer needs and queries, ensuring your content is directly relevant and valuable to your target audience. This shift might require more precise content strategies but can lead to more qualified site visitors and potential customers.

Section 3: Create More Personal Content Using New Google Features

In today's content-saturated world, standing out requires a more personal touch. Creating content that resonates with individual users, you capture their attention and provide a link to your website.

I have seen this while creating content for my personal youtube channel where I talk about Product Design along with UX Design principles. I've seen that using YouTube is an important way to increase traffic to your site. It is important to incorporate user feedback into my content strategy as this creates more personal content based on users' questions and problems.

Answer direct comments in videos, blog posts or newsletter and as this will increase visitors to your website and then direct these users back to your website for more information or to book a call with you to speak with you directly.

Let's dive into Google's latest features, Perspectives and Notes, and explore how you can use them to give your website's traffic a real boost. It's all about adding that personal touch that we all crave in this digital age.

Perspectives: Your New SEO Superpower

Google's adding this cool new filter called Perspectives to its search toolkit. Think of it as your window to what real people are saying about topics related to your business. We're talking about real conversations from Reddit, Quora, YouTube, TikTok - the works!

Here's a pro tip: Start by figuring out which of your keywords bring up the Perspectives filter. Then, dive into the type of content that pops up. Is it a lively Reddit discussion? A detailed Quora answer? Maybe a YouTube review? Once you've got the hang of what's showing up, it's time to jump into the conversation. Answer questions on Reddit or Quora, collaborate with influencers for some authentic YouTube or TikTok content. This way, you're not just a name on a search page; you're part of the conversation, and that's where the magic happens for you to promote your website.

Notes: The Feedback Goldmine

Google's Notes feature is like a virtual thumbs-up (or down) for your website. People can leave a note on search results to share if they found your site helpful. Positive notes? That's like word-of-mouth gold for boosting your site's traffic.

Now, we haven't seen this feature in full swing yet, but it's shaping up to be a game-changer. Here's the deal: Make sure your page titles and meta descriptions are spot-on. They're like the welcome mat to your website; they need to match what visitors are looking for. If they do, happy visitors might just leave a glowing note, and who doesn't love a bit of praise?

Remember, people tend to speak up more when they're unhappy than when they're pleased. So, your mission is to ensure your website delivers exactly what it promises. Keep your content top-notch, relevant, and super helpful. That way, when someone lands on your site from Google, they're more likely to leave your site feeling satisfied and ready to spread the good word.

In a nutshell, Google's Perspectives and Notes are your new best friends in the SEO world. Embrace them, engage with your audience, and watch your website traffic soar.

To craft compelling, personalised content:

  • Understand Your Audience: Conduct thorough audience research to understand their demographics, interests, and pain points. Collect comments and feedback, ask questions and run surveys as this understanding informs your content creation.
  • Incorporate User Feedback: Use this feedback to refine your content strategy.
  • Create a Sense of Community: Foster a sense of community by engaging with your audience, addressing their comments, and responding to their questions promptly. This interaction enhances the personalisation factor.
  • Emphasize the importance of creating personalized content for targeted audiences.
  • Discuss the benefits of using data and analytics to understand customer preferences.
  • Provide tips for creating engaging and relevant content that resonates with users.
  • Highlight the role of personalization in content marketing.

Section 4: Use A Multi-channel Marketing System to Increase Website Traffic

Sure, here is a more human and informational tone rewrite of the paragraph:

One common mistake that marketers make is trying to create a new and original piece of content for every marketing channel. While it may seem like a good idea to connect with a wider audience, it's actually not necessary.

Create APEX Content. (All Purpose Extractable Content)

Apex content is where you can simply produce a large piece of content, such as a long-form video podcast, white paper or an eBook, into your media strategy. You can then break it down into smaller segments that are suitable for different platforms, such as blog posts, videos, short videos, podcasts, emails, or social media posts to get more website traffic.

Segmenting content across different platforms;

  1. Blog Posts - Extract key insights, data, or topics from the apex content to create informative blog posts.
  2. Short Videos - Turn interesting segments or highlights into short videos for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube Shorts.
  3. Podcast Episodes - If your apex content is a video podcast, you can also release it in audio format. Alternatively, create shorter podcast episodes discussing specific points from your apex content.
  4. Emails - Develop email content that summarizes key points or offers exclusive insights from the apex content, driving subscribers to the full version.
  5. Social Media Posts- Create engaging posts for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, using snippets, quotes, carousels or infographics derived from the apex content.

By following this approach, you can increase website traffic more efficiently and ensure that your message is consistent across all channels. Additionally, you can adapt your tone of voice to match the platform or audience you're targeting.This personalized approach will help you drive traffic to your website, whether it's to the main content piece or directly to product or service pages (if they're relevant).

For 2024, there are additional ways to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

In summary, optimise your multi-channel approach:

  • Create APEX content: Break it down into smaller pieces to post on social media and generate more traffic.
  • Unify Customer Data: Integrate customer data from different platforms to gain a comprehensive understanding of their interactions. This unified view enables personalised marketing across all channels.
  • Build a Consistent Brand Voice: Ensure your brand voice remains consistent across all channels, creating a cohesive customer experience.
  • Track and Measure Performance: Monitor your omnichannel campaigns' performance to identify improvement areas, optimise resource allocation, and maximise results.

Section 5: Use PPC to Drive Traffic To Your Website

PPC is a digital advertising model where you pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ads. It's a direct way to drive traffic to your website, as you're buying visits. PPC can be incredibly effective when you want to reach your target audience quickly and control your advertising costs. Audit your site with website graders from SEM rush that will help you optimise your website to perform better so that when you increase web traffic using PPC you've built your website in the best way.

Select platforms where your target audience hangs out. Google Ads is great for search-driven traffic, while social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn might be better for demographic targeting. Also, choose ad formats that resonate with your audience – text ads for search engines, engaging visuals for social media, or even video ads if they're more impactful. These are a few more ways to get more people to your website's pages and allow visitors to learn more about your products and services.

Optimising PPC Campaigns for Maximum Effectiveness: To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, focus on:

Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for.

Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that speaks directly to the needs and interests of your audience.

Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages are relevant, engaging, and optimized for conversions.

Bid Management: Regularly adjust your bids to get the best ROI and make sure to use Performance Max campaigns

Performance max campaigns is a comprehensive Google Ads campaign type that leverages Google's AI to optimise real-time performance across channels like YouTube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Maps. It aims to maximise conversions and value by integrating bidding, budget optimisation, audiences, and creative strategies tailored to your specific conversion goals and advertising objectives, such as CPA or ROAS targets. This campaign type utilizes your creative assets, audience signals, and optional data feeds to enhance advertising effectiveness.

A/B Testing: Continuously test different elements of your ads and landing pages to see what works best.

Tracking and Measuring PPC Campaign Performance: You can't improve what you don't measure. Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your PPC campaigns. Pay attention to metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These insights will help you refine your campaigns for better performance.

Remember, PPC is not just about getting clicks; it's about getting the right clicks that convert into customers. Keep testing and optimizing for the best results!


  • Embrace the evolving Google landscape in 2024 by optimizing for user intent and engaging with customers to improve SGE rankings.
  • Leverage user-focused search queries by creating niche, targeted content that answers specific questions and diversifies traffic sources.
  • Utilize Google's new features, Perspectives and Notes, for a more personal touch in SEO, enhancing user engagement and website traffic.
  • Implement multi-channel marketing with APEX content, ensuring platform consistency and adapting to new trends for a broader reach.
  • Maximize PPC campaigns using Performance Max and other tools for targeted advertising, focusing on keyword research, ad copy, and landing page optimization.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can businesses adapt to the decrease in traffic due to SGE?

  • Focus on quality over quantity by creating content that precisely meets user intent.
  • Enhance the user experience on your website to encourage longer visits and higher engagement.

What strategies can be used to create more personalised content?

  • Utilise data and analytics to understand customer preferences and tailor content accordingly.
  • Engage with your audience through social media, comments, and direct interactions to gather insights for content creation.

How can businesses effectively use PPC in the changing digital landscape of 2024?

Explore various PPC platforms to find where your target audience is most active.

Continuously optimize PPC campaigns based on performance data and user feedback.

What are some best practices for multi-channel marketing in 2024?

Create versatile APEX content that can be adapted for different platforms.

Ensure a consistent brand voice and message across all marketing channels.

How can businesses measure the success of their website traffic strategies?

Track key metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and user engagement.

Use analytics tools to monitor traffic sources and user behaviour on the website.

Table of Contents

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